Julia Wojciechowska


Julia trained at the Arts University of Bournemouth where she obtained a degree in Performance and Costume Design. She dedicated her studies to exploring the specialisation in design for dance production with a desire to pursue her career in ballet and opera theatre, where her passion for theatre design originated after having interned at The National Opera in Warsaw, Poland.

Her broad interest in theatre craft resulted in the experience in scenography as a scenic artist and set builder for art events, festivals and theatre and film productions. Currently based in Southwest England, she is actively involved in local cultural events. Julia has also been pursuing an interest in the art of puppetry and its use in dance performance which blends her passion for design and craft.

In her professional work, she enjoys combining the creative tasks with theatre research and supporting her design choices with solid theory. She learns about the world through the lens of performance that brings her closer to understanding its beauty and complexity.

You can read more about her work here.